Evil facebook poker bots..

Saturday, December 25, 2010 ·

The most frequent comments and emails I receive are probably about facebook poker cheats and whether I know where to find them. The second most common question I get is about facebook poker bots or zynga poker bots and whether they actually exist. As I’m sure you well know by now, a poker bot is an computer program that completely automates the process of playing poker for you, in theory winning you facebook poker chips while you snooze or clean the house or look at online porn (yea we all know about that). They have been in use in real money poker games on the internet for years now, with some people claiming to make be making thousands of dollars a day or week by using them.

Whether or not these claims are true is irrelevant, as there is simply no way to prove or disprove such claims because anyone who uses these programs would never announce it to the world due to the fact that they are illegal on most poker sites and are grounds to have your account banned if caught using them. These poker bots are extremely good at emulating human play though, so it’s next to impossible for sites like poker stars or full tilt to actually catch the bot users. Since there’s a lot of money in for real money bots there’s a big incentive for producing working programs for these games. But what about facebook poker? Would anyone really invest that much time in to such a complex program that can only win facebook poker chips?

Apparently there is or was a working facebook poker bot at one time that players could download and read about at http://www.botage.com. While I don’t know whether it works the way it claims to, I guess it answers the questions of whether or not someone would really spend the time to make a working facebook poker bot. It probably doesn’t work anymore and I don’t advocate using or downloading bots for poker games anyway, so anything on that site is meant strictly for entertainment or educational purposes.


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