Why i love online poker...roar

Saturday, December 25, 2010 ·

A good friend of mine just recently asked me why i switched from playing table Poker to playing Online Poker. Well the fact of the matter is i did not really abandon the casino or the table Poker, it just so happens that i am kind of lazy nowadays to go out and play outside when i can play at the comfort of my own home, in my room and in bed to be specific.

If you are a great fan of table Poker then i should not see why you cannot be a great fan of Online Poker.

Poker is a popular game played around the world- but with the invention of the Internet, the game has become even more popular as a whole. All types of Poker styles, games, and tastes can be satisfied with the Internet- but what specific benefits do Online Poker players get or rather what do i get from playing Poker at home?

Hmmm... I do not know. Kidding! Well, If you are a fan of “ Poker night” with the guys, you know how much time that can be spent just setting the Poker table up for a game. There is the table, chips, cards, snacks, refreshments, chairs, and quite a few other variables that go into the setup. Thanks to the Internet, Poker players can enjoy an instant game of Poker whenever they want without having to go through the hassle of setting up.

When Poker players want Poker- by golly, they want Poker! There shouldn’t be an excuse for calling a game off because several people had “things come up,” and you get the call just before the Poker game starts. This happens to me all the time and i really hate it. It is actually one of the reasons why i have been playing Online Poker so i can completely avoid this kind of problem associated with Poker table.

If you aren’t keen on betting, there are plenty of places on the Internet that offer free Online Poker. This is a nice change from the real world, where many friends and family members would demand real money be played. With Online Poker- you choose if you are in the mood for risking your money or not!

Another benefit i really like in Online Poker is that it is global! It connects you to other Online Poker players from different countries and different cultures. Share ideas with them and without a doubt learn from them.

When you excel in playing Poker on the Internet, you will start opening opportunities for yourself. Many casinos who run Online Poker websites will offer prizes and cash to players that do well- but more importantly, they offer invites to real Online Poker tournaments. This is the perfect opportunity to show the world what you got in real life- and thanks to the Internet no less.

It will not make you less of a Poker player if you decide to play online. In fact, i think, well at times, Online Poker is more advisable than playing outside since it gives you more advantages, but in the end, it is still you who decides which is really better. As for me, it has to be Online Poker.


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